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Who is JYP?

Jersey Youth Parliament is an island wide forum for young people to discuss, research and connect current issues to the States Assembly. The project supports young people in Jersey to lead and engage in discussions about issues that affect them. 40 young people, aged between 12 and 18, have become members of the Jersey Youth Parliament. These members will be in position for up to 18 months, receive training, consult young people in Jersey, research and share their voice through three JYP campaigns. During each campaign the Jersey Youth Parliament will present their findings to Members of the States Assembly, engage with the work of Scrutiny and compile a report to share with Ministers. The formation of a Youth Parliament aligns with other jurisdictions who have developed effective structures to hear the voice of young people and influence meaningful changes in their communities.

Meet the Team

The Jersey Youth Parliament is facilitated by staff from the Jersey Youth Service and volunteers with key areas of expertise.

Lisa Mansell Senior Youth Worker
Jamie Dyer Youth Worker


The Jersey Youth Parliament is a government funded project, formed in response to the Independent Care Enquiry recommendations (2017) and the work of an earlier collective (2014).

Jersey formally adopted the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in 2014 and later, in 2018, Ministers, States members and public service leaders signed up to ‘Listen to children and young people’ through a ‘Pledge to Put Children First’.

Facilitated by staff and volunteers from the Jersey Youth Service, the JYP, aims to uphold young people’s existing rights, build skills and create opportunities to influence decisions that affect their lives.

“Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously.”

UNCRC, Article 12

JYS - A brief history

2014 Jersey becomes signatory on United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
2017 Jersey’s Independent Care Enquiry findings released and recommends a youth parliament is formed.
2018 Working group of young people formed to discuss how the youth parliament should look.
2019 Children and Young People’s Plan designed, promising to put children first. All young people to be valued and involved.
2020 Youth workers appointed to oversee the project, presentations delivered to young people involved in the start up, applications opened.
2021 Jersey’s first official youth parliament is launched.

Application Process

Our 2022-2024 cohort finished in March and you can read all about their campaigns under our campaign section.

The States Greffe will be taking on the lead for the youth parliament and are planning on recruiting to start in January 2025.  If you have any questions contact